It’s All About You

People are the core of Vincentian’s mission; we exist to serve our residents. Likewise, the success of our ministries relies on the Sisters, volunteers, staff and benefactors that make up the Vincentian family. Here are a few measures we are taking to make sure your voice is heard:

Around Town

Members of my team have recently begun performing regular Leadership Rounds. During weekly visits to each of our communities, they spend time with residents, staff and families to learn what is working and what could be done better. The information collected will be put to use right away to improve the quality of care across our system.

Hard at Work

At each of our homes, we have created staff working groups with the goal of transforming resident care and engaging employees. For example, a Vincentian Home rehab group has been formed to improve care by co-designing improvements with short-stay residents and their families. Groups are also underway at Marian Manor and Vincentian de Marillac.

An Open Door

Finally, you should know that you always have a direct line to me via email at or by calling 412-548-4054.  Your feedback — both positive and not-so-positive — is essential to our success as a system.


Yours in Service,

Nick Vizzoca
President and CEO